Operationalising risk appetite
May/June 2024

A number of our members are prioritising different aspects of risk appetite this quarter.

We're facilitating a series of virtual meetings, 1-to-1 calls and roundtables to help CROs and heads of risk in our network collaborate with peers who have practical experience of their specific priority including:

  • Bringing a quantitative lens to risk appetite statements
  • Reviewing risk appetite
  • Developing KRIs to embed risk appetite
  • Streamlining risk appetite statements to have one per risk category across the business' risk taxonomy
  • How to start a risk appetite journey
  • Framing risk appetite around AI
  • How to cascade risk appetite across a large, diverse business
  • Tracking breaches in appetite

More details about each collaboration ↓

Fill in the form to request to get involved with our upcoming collaborations. We'll send you a 15-minute meeting invite to discuss the next steps and identify the most suitable and useful collaboration for you.

Please note, we're only able to discuss to involve you in collaborations as a  prospective members (risk leaders at large multi-national corporations in Europe, MENA and Australasia).

We invite non-members to one collaboration as a guest. Subsequent involvement takes place through annual corporate membership.

Fill in this form to begin collaborating on risk appetite

Collaborations we're facilitating right now:

Framing risk appetite around AI

How are CROs framing risk appetite around AI, especially when it comes to internal use and adoption?

Bringing a quantitative lens to risk appetite statements

And how are risk leaders cascading those board/exec-approved statements down the organisation?

Reviewing risk appetite

How do risk leaders review their risk appetite, establish risk appetite at group level, get approval and get the right accountability throughout the business to ensure it's fit for purpose?

Developing KRIs to embed risk appetite

How have other risk leaders established KRIs around risk appetite? How do they update and monitor those KRIs and align them with business strategy?

Streamlining risk appetite statements to have one per risk category across the business' risk taxonomy

How can risk leaders make these statements fit for purpose, useful and can they ensure that they aid effective risk assessment across the business?

How to cascade risk appetite across a large, diverse business

How do risk leaders take relatively broad, group-level articulations of risk appetite and break it down for different divisions and operating entities that are all very different in operations and nature?

How to start a risk appetite journey

For those at the start of the journey and have no formal risk appetite in place, where do you begin?

Tracking breaches in appetite

How are peers identifying, considering and addressing breaches in appetite? How are bottom-up metrics consolidated and reported up to group level?