Member priorities we're working on
Based on specific member priorities, our engagement managers provide targeted support through bespoke collaboration opportunities. Below are a few examples of the challenges members are solving through the network.
Using predictive analytics
We’re supporting a member to apply predictive analytics by connecting them with other risk leaders who have used this to identify data breaches.
Keeping risk appetite alive in the business
We’re helping a member to ensurekey stakeholders in the business are talking about risk appetite and using it.
How to report on project risks
We’re connecting a member to other companies inheavy industry, to discuss how they are aggregating project risks into strategic risks.
Recoding controls with a GRC system
We’re connecting a member to other risk leaders in their sector to discuss how they have built GRC systems for recording controls and how this process worked.
Liability and black swan events
We’re supporting a member in the retail sector to understand how their peers in the industry are going about identifying black swan events.
Simplifying a governance framework
We’re supporting one of our members to simplify governance and validate the effectiveness of their framework (i.e., committee structure, delegation of authority) against other organisations.
AI governance
We’re facilitating collaborations for a member to find out how different organisations are utilising bots in their AI governance approach, what pace of change companies are working to, and where AI councils are focusing their attention.
Building an in-house GRC system
We’re supporting a member to develop their own GRC solution, suited to their business, by pooling insights from other organisations who have implemented an in-house system.
Reviewing the risk taxonomy
We’re supporting a member in the utilities sector as they set out to review and update their risk taxonomy, introducing them to other risk leaders who have delivered this work in their respective organisations.
Consequence management through scorecards
We’re supporting a member with the introduction of a consequence management framework by connecting them to other risk leaders who have operationalised this within their organisation.
Interlink your risk profile
We're helping a global telco to understand how peers are applying risk interconnectivity to their ERM approach.
Combining similar risks
We're working on another telco to explore how organisations aggregate risks through their taxonomy.
Risk assessment thresholds
We're helping a global chemicals manufacturer to compare risk assessment thresholds with other organisations.
Managing unplanned release events
We're supporting a multinational energy and utilities company to benchmark metrics related to spills/loss of containment events.
Risk operating models
We're supporting a global manufacturer to benchmark risk operating models in their sector.
Leveraging risk resources in the business
We're gathering insights for a chemical company on how to optimise the use of business partners.
Emerging risk profile
We're helping a group of international SaaS companies to benchmark their emerging risks against other organisations.
Approaches to emerging risk reporting.
We're facilitating collaborations across a broader member group to benchmark emerging risk reporting approaches.
Operationalising risk in the retail sector
We're helping a group of supermarket CROs to collaborate on embedding risk management across their organisation.
Risk appetite surveys
We're pooling insights to help a group of members develop scenario-based board surveys for setting risk appetite.
Keeping one eye on upside risk
We're supporting global CROs to discuss integrating opportunity into risk management.
Risk taxonomies
We're helping a global energy company to benchmark its risk taxonomy.
Developing a strong risk culture
We're gathering ideas from a group of members to develop a risk culture maturity assessment model.
Assurance mapping
We're supporting a member to develop a peer-validated assurance mapping template.
Validating risk strategy
We're helping a global pharma CRO to validate a risk strategy program proposed by an advisory firm.
Modelling non-financial risks
We're facilitating collaborations to help a member understand how peers incorporate non-financial risks into scenario modelling.
Leveraging emerging risks
We're helping an FMCG company to explore how peers apply their horizon scanning output.
Accountability frameworks
We're bringing a group of members together to compare different risk accountability and consequence frameworks.
Recent and upcoming meeting highlights
Our network meetings regularly bring groups together to share practical experiences and brainstorm new ideas, while bespoke meetings connect very small groups to focus on a specific issue or challenge.
Data aggregation tools
Our custom-built data aggregation tools provide invaluable insights that help risk teams get time-consuming tasks done quickly and efficiently.
Specialist benchmarks
In-depth benchmark reports help members compare and validate their approaches in key areas.
Governance committees & risk management: benchmark report
We surveyed risk leaders at 56 companies for this benchmark on the organisation of governance committees, covering a range of sectors and geographies to compare approaches and identify common trends.
Emerging risks in the energy and utilities sectors
Using PESTLE categories, we break down the emerging risks energy and utilities companies reported in 2024, highlighting trends and divergences across these sectors.
Annual public risk reporting: global mining companies
This report on annual public risk reporting provides insights into risk reporting components and content based on a group of 9 global mining and resources companies.
Risk operating models: logistics sector
This report provides insights into the risk reporting lines, team structure and operating models at 8 companies in the logistics sector.
Operationalising risk appetite: a practical, peer-led approach
This report is a simple and easy-to-use guide that will help companies across the maturity spectrum operationalise risk appetite in their business.
Approaches to sustainability risk reporting: pulse check
In this pulse check report, we explore how 12 companies across a range of sectors are reporting on sustainability risks and opportunities, in line with CSRD requirements.
AI in risk management: market benchmark
This benchmark report provides a cross-sector, market overview of how organisations are incorporating AI into their risk management approach.
Risk taxonomy and KRIs in the resources sector: benchmark report
This benchmark report provides insights into risk taxonomies and key risk indicators (KRIs) in the resources sector.
Fraud risk management: pulse check
This report provides a high-level overview of how 10 organisations approach the challenge of fraud risk management, from how they classify fraud risk to who has ownership of the framework.
Emerging risk benchmark: risk leader approaches
This benchmark report provides an overview of common and divergent approaches to managing emerging risks, capturing insights from large listed or privately-owned companies across a range of sectors.
Practitioner insight: Audit governance in large corporates
This benchmark report gives an overview of how audit is governed in large multinational corporates, setting out common structures, reporting lines and governance frameworks.
Pulse check: Embedding risk management within the business
This report explores how non-financial organisations embed risk management and make it more continuous across the business.
Setting risk appetite: pharma pulse check
This summary report explores how eight multinational pharmaceutical companies, of various sizes, are setting (or, in some cases, not setting) risk appetite.
Principal risk in the technology sector 2024
This provides an overview of principal risks among a cohort of 11 US-based technology companies, focusing on key risk themes.
Risk materiality: a market pulse check
This pulse check provides high-level insights into how risk materiality is assessed and managed.
Pulse check results: approaches to TCFD disclosure
This report offers a closer look at how 10 organisations are assuring climate risk data, assigning ownership for TCFD disclosures, and reporting internally on TCFD.
Safeguarding against human rights risks
This deep-dive benchmark was designed to explore how organisations in customer-facing sectors, such as retail and hospitality, are managing risks related to human rights and modern slavery.
Risk appetite benchmark: 8 successful approaches
This report outlines eight complete and successful processes for implementing risk appetite, with each example representing the needs of a specific type of organisation.
Risk evaluation criteria in the oil and gas sector
This pulse check report provides insights into risk evaluation in the oil and gas sector, focusing on which tools companies are using and how risk evaluation is being applied throughout the business.
Emerging risks report: renewable energy sector
This report offers a closer look at emerging risks facing renewable energy companies, based on insights shared by 11 large multinational organisations from Australasia, the UK and Europe.
Assurance mapping: 6 risk leader approaches
How do you develop an effective assurance plan for your organisation? This report offers six unique approaches taken by risk leaders.