AI and risk management
download meeting notes
7 technology CROs discuss how they're preparing for AI-related risks.

Download notes from a bespoke meeting for our members, including:
- Problems shared - what are your peers worried about in relation to AI?
- Solutions and suggestions - what steps have your peers already started to manage AI-related risks?
- Plans for the future - what plans are risk leaders forming for the next 6-12 months?
- Our network take - what were the main takeaways we observed from the meeting?
- Interesting thoughts shared - discussion points shared by the CROs at our meeting.
We'll be facilitating numerous collaborations between risk leaders on AI in the coming months. Please contact us to be part of those discussions.*
*Please note, only members and prospective members are able to attend meetings, i.e. practising risk leaders at large multi-national organisations in Europe, Australasia and MENA.