Introducing an enhanced approach to Emerging Risk Maturity Models
Launched in March 2023, we've developed an enhanced approach to emerging risk maturity models. Consisting of five elements, the model is a complete iterative process to improve risk leaders' emerging risk maturity, developed in response to the priorities of Risk Leadership Network members, and in collaboration with practising risk leaders at global organisations with high emerging risk maturity.
Watch the video to see how it works:
Request to participate using the form at the bottom of this page. The model has been developed for members of Risk Leadership Network, but in order to further enhance the benchmark we're extending the invite to participate to large non-financial organisations in Europe, Australasia and the Middle East.
What's unique about our Emerging Risk Maturity Model?
This is the only emerging risk maturity model that lets you see where you are on a maturity scale as well as giving you an instant benchmark against qualified peers, and telling you what you need to do to improve. |
Why use an Emerging Risk Maturity Model? And ours in particular...
The model is intended to work alongside strategic and operational risk management processes that are already in place:
- Helping risk practitioners to monitor, report and respond to emerging risks.
- Identifying critical processes - our iterative model focuses in particular on how businesses can identify critical processes (both strategic and operational) before considering the potential disruptors that may interfere with these processes.
- Leveraging the benchmark report (with the spider diagrams and other benchmark graphics) to the executive leadership team and get buy-in for projects, highlighting how other, similar businesses are more mature in key areas.
- Giving you key steps and advice to becoming more mature with checkpoints for the business to aspire and prioritise. The roadmap becomes a tool for the whole business to work together on improving emerging risk maturity.
- Supporting you along your risk maturity journey - through our network you'll have access to practical examples, time-saving tools and peer-to-peer collaboration to help you implement your improvements.
How does it work?
There are 5 different levels to the Emerging Risk Maturity Model:
Jump to the section that you're most interested in.
1. Emerging risk framework
What is it?
The framework breaks down emerging risk into six critical activities, ascribing maturity criteria (on a scale of one to five) to each, with clear examples. This holistic overview was created in collaboration from mature risk leaders at global organisations.
What sets this apart from other models?
All maturity models provide this framework. In fact, it's what most providers call their whole model. But this is just one of the five elements of ours. Our framework focuses on giving clear examples to help risk leaders understand what separates a more mature and a less mature organisation from one another. Risk Leadership Network's framework was created in close collaboration with practising risk leaders at global organisations, rather than consultants.
How do I access this?
The framework is exclusively for members of Risk Leadership Network. Please get in touch to request a short presentation with the highlights or to learn more about membership.
2. Emerging risk self-assessment
What is it?
The self-assessment asks you a series of question to ascertain your current level of maturity in each activity from the framework.
What sets this apart from other models?
Most other models do some sort of assessment. Ours makes the most of user-friendly technology so the whole process usually takes about twenty minutes.
How do I access this?
Although the Emerging Risk Maturity Model is a service we've developed for our members, we're looking to further enhance the benchmark by adding more (anonymised) data from large multinational organisations in Europe, the Middle East and Australasia. Fill in this form to get started.
3. Benchmark report
What is it?
The benchmark report gives you an overall maturity score, as well as individual scores for each of the key activities, based on your answers to the self-assessment. It then compares your score to our benchmark, so you can see how you compare to qualified peers at leading organisations.
What sets this apart from other models?
It's instant! As soon as you complete the self-assessment, you get to see how your score benchmarks against your peers, giving you leverage and validation when presenting your approach to the board.
How do I access this?
Fill in this form - we're opening up the self-assessment to non-members at large non-financial organisations, whose participation will enhance the benchmark. You'll get the benchmark report after completing the self-assessment.
4. Improvement roadmap
What is it?
We identify key steps you should take to increase your maturity, based on approaches from mature organisations.
What sets this apart from other models?
No other model tells you what you should do to improve. Consultancies would demand a huge fee to give you this information and then an implementation fee on top of that. But Risk Leadership Network's model provides risk leaders themselves with peer-validated knowledge for them to make the changes and improve their organisation's own emerging risk maturity.
How do I access this?
The roadmap comes at the back of your benchmark report, outlining the key steps you should take for each key activity. You'll get this by filling in this form and taking the self-assessment. There are links to supportive materials (case studies, templates, tools etc) on your roadmap which only members of Risk Leadership Network will be able to access.
How are the leading organisations around the world managing their blind spots? Read our emerging risk guide, based on insight, collaboration and case studies from risk leaders in our network. |
5. Risk Leadership Network services
What is it?
Risk Leadership Network is a corporate membership network dedicated to creating better risk management practice. Our role is to facilitate the most effective practical knowledge sharing between risk leaders to help them with their priorities. Through our emerging risk maturity model, you'll identify the areas that you'd like to improve on, and then, through the network, you'll improve through collaboration.
For example, we could organise a small workshop-style meeting for you to hone in on an area where you'd like to improve. We'd invite risk leaders who have experience in that area, as well as others with a similar maturity to you. We also facilitate 1-on-1 interviews, conduct specific benchmark reports and pulsechecks, and share the most relevant case studies, templates and tools to help in the areas identified.
What sets this apart from other models?
No other model gives you a complete iterative process of review and improvement. Consultancies come at a huge cost for every project, whereas your modest membership fee gets you support all year round, to implement the improvements you want to focus on.
How do I access this?
Through membership to Risk Leadership Network - get in touch with us to find out more.
How do I take part?
Our Emerging Risk Maturity Model has been developed for members of our network. But our members see value in enhancing the benchmark with participation from non-members at large non-financial organisations in Europe, the Middle East and Australasia. So we're opening up the self-assessment (and its output - the instant benchmark report and roadmap) to risk leaders outside our network who meet those criteria. Please request to participate here and we'll be in touch with you very soon.
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