AI in risk management

With AI's growing influence in business practice, this benchmark report provides a cross-sector, market overview of how organisations are incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into their risk management approach. 

This benchmark explores how 42 large non-financial organisations in a range of geographies and sectors are utilising AI in within their businesses.

Fill in this form to request us to talk you through the benchmark in a short virtual meeting (15 minutes + time for questions).

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cover images with pages for benchmarks

Fill in this form to request see the benchmark*

This bespoke benchmark explores:

  • What are risk leaders using or considering to use large language models (LLMs) for?
  • What are your peers using (or considering using) machine learning for?
  • How are senior risk professionals resourcing, or planning to resource, their AI plans?
  • What have been the biggest barriers so far to introducing AI to risk management?
three big pic

*Subject to qualification. We're only able to show this data to prospective members - in-house corporate risk leaders at large non-financial institutions in Europe, MENA and Oceania. We'll send you a meeting invite so we can explore the results with you and provide more context. The data in our benchmarks is valuable and we don't give it out to non-members.


Who has taken part in the benchmark?

CROs/heads of risk at 42 large non-financial institutions. 

How was the data collected?

42  risk leaders took part in an in-depth survey with a series of open and closed questions. Participants were selected.

Why did you create this benchmark?

We developed this benchmark to support a number of  Risk Leadership Network members on a series of specific risk priorities surrounding operationalising AI. This benchmark is the first step in supporting them with their priorities. We're now facilitating a series of bespoke collaborations (small group discussions and 1-to-1 calls between relevant risk leaders on specific topics relating to these priorities.)

Do you have any other benchmarks?

Yes, we regularly create benchmarks or pulsechecks  in response to our members' priorities. Take a look at some of our latest benchmarks here. Through our bespoke, concierge "network assistance" service, we deliver these niche reports in a timely way to meet the exact needs of the organisation who requested it. Of course, the benchmarks are often useful for other organisations too and we share the results. If you'd like us to create a benchmark for your organisation, please fill in this form and we'll get back to you with a time-frame and membership proposal.

How do I get hold of this report?

Please fill in the form and we'll present the key findings to you*, and discuss how our members are leveraging the data in the report to operationalise and accelerate ERM better practice.

Due to the high value data in the report, we only send the report to members of Risk Leadership Network.

*Subject to approval. We're only able to meet with you to show you the data if you're a prospective member (i.e. a practising risk leader at a large non-financial organisation in Europe, Asia-Pacific or MENA). 

Can Risk Leadership Network carry out a benchmark for me?

Yes. Members of Risk Leadership Network work with a network manager to make sure we meet your risk priorities. If there's an informal benchmark that would assist you in your priorities, we'll create it for you in a timely manner. Most benchmarks are complete within 8 weeks of request. Tell us more about the benchmark you need and we'll get back to you with timescales and a membership proposal.

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