Book a 30 minute discovery call
how can we help with your biggest priority?
Book a 30 minute discovery call to find out how Risk Leadership Network membership can help save you time and resources on your biggest risk priority this quarter or year.
Tell us about your biggest upcoming challenge, and, in the call, our community specialist will detail our action plan for assisting you, via bespoke collaboration with our network. We'll also detail how we've already worked with some of our members on similar priorities, where applicable.
At Risk Leadership Network, we empower risk leaders to solve challenges quickly, by facilitating practical, peer-based collaboration.
We facilitate these collaborations specifically for our member organisations, which include a large proportion of FTSE100 and ASX100 organisations.
All the information you provide is confidential.
*Our 30-minute discovery calls are only available for practising risk leaders at major non-financial corporations in Europe, MENA and Australasia. Subject to qualification, you'll be sent a link immediately to book a timeslot with our community and membership specialist.
Tell us about your biggest upcoming priority and we'll provide an action plan in our discovery call*
Example member priorities
Benchmark and improve risk reporting to the executive leadership team
"I'd like to collaborate with high-growth companies in my sector to help identify which analysis provides the most value, how the information is used in decision-making, and the resource required to collect and analyse this information."
Measuring risk appetite
Risk operating model benchmark for global manufacturers
Reporting aggregated cyber/data/privacy risks
"We want to start presenting an aggregated and easy-to-digest report to senior management on our data customer privacy/security and cyber risks, which clearly demonstrates the interconnectivity of these risks, tracks mitigation efforts and trends over time."
Scenario identification and analysis
"We'd like to learn more from other organisations around scenario planning, in particular, where the strategy team is involved in developing big exploratory scenarios. How do you integrate these scenarios into strategy?"
Driving a stronger risk culture
"Although our organisation has a strong risk culture overall, we're looking to enhance it more so that risk is considered in decision-making. So how do we continue to drive culture where some people don't want to integrate risk into decision-making?"
How we work with members on their priorities

Collaborative meetings
We bring small cohorts of risk leaders together to share practical experiences, solutions, and strategic insights. These small meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule.

1-to-1 meetings
We facilitate a private in-depth interview with a risk leader who has direct experience with your priority, allowing you to dig deep and find answers quickly.

Benchmarks and pulsechecks
We conduct bespoke benchmark studies for our members in response to their needs, so they can validate their approach against other relevant organisations.

Interactive AI-powered tools
Created in response to member priorities, we deliver a series of regularly updated AI-powered tools to help risk leaders save time in their risk reporting.